Sauvie Island School News

Student decorated pumpkin vampire queen

October 10th, 2024

On the Horizon

  • No School: Oct.11th

  • SIS Open House: Oct. 17th, 6-7pm

  • School Picture Day: Oct. 29th

1st Grade Updates with Mrs. Mask

First graders created a timeline of their life! They worked hard organizing their events, drawing pictures, and sharing photographs that celebrate their life. You can see them displayed in the K-2 hallway near the first grade classroom.

4th Grade Updates with Mrs. Roberts

In 4th grade we had a fun and field trip filled beginning of the school year. On the 13th we celebrated “Dot Day” which encourages students to trust their own abilities and be brave enough to make their own mark in the world. Students began with a single dot on a paper plate which then led to amazing one-of-a-kind designs. On the 23rd we walked to Topaz Farms to pick flowers. Before going on the field trip, the students planned which flowers they would select at the farm to add up to one dollar. Most recently, we started studying plants and trees and their adaptations to different environments. This included visiting Hoyt Arboretum and exploring the vast variety of trees in the park. All this background launched our first National Park storyline that we will be a large unit of study for the month of October. Lastly, we went to the Cathlapotle Plankhouse, a full-scale Chinookan Plankhouse located in Ridgefield, Washington, to learn more about the Chinook Tribe.

Middle School Updates with Mr. Radich

It's been a great first month in the Upper Grades, here's a bit of what we've up to recently in my classes:

6th Grade Social Studies

This week we looked at the changes that took place in early human societies between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages (the old and new stone ages). Students learned how establishing a stable food supply, instead of always hunting and gathering, opened the door for significant human advances with regard to community life, shelters, trade, and specialized jobs. Students are applying their knowledge by creating short comics that depict the changes that occurred from the old to new stone age.

8th Grade Social Studies

Students completed their first essay of the year, crafting an argument paper around the question of whether Columbus Day should be abolished. Students developed thesis statements with a claim and three supporting reasons, outlined their papers, and used evidence and examples from the many primary and secondary sources we've examined over the past two weeks to support their ideas. 

8th Grade Math

Students in my class are almost done with our first unit on Rigid Transformations. We're moving at a rapid pace and students have been practicing using mathematically specific vocabulary to explain their thinking. 

Boat Building

While 6th Graders were away at Outdoor School, the 7th and 8th Graders built a boat from scratch with the Wind and Oar organization--a great hands-on experience for our students!

Fab Lab

This week we were introduced with a new design challenge: design and build a door for a specific 3D-printed knocker currently serving as mascot for our laboratory. Students are working through the design process (1. Define the problem · 2. Conduct research · 3. Brainstorm and conceptualize · 4. Create a prototype · 5. Select and finalize · 6. Product analysis · 7. Improve) and focused this week on crafting accurate plans to present to their "client" Ms. Eve. Next week, we start building! We're also beginning to dabble in 3D printing, learning the basics of some of our equipment, and will start getting into the laser cutter next week as well. 

Volunteer Corner

Fall Book Fair! The book fair is a fan favorite of our students. There are many volunteer needs for this to be successful. Keep a look out for the volunteer sign-up email being sent soon. Volunteers needed from 11/1-11/6.  

Sauvie Island School Harvest Fest November 7th! Ready for some fun? The Harvest Fest planning is well underway. A shout out for volunteers will be sent out soon to start securing help for that day. Don’t miss out on seeing miles of smiles, hearing the songs of laughter and the cheers of excitement! Look for that email!  

Teachers Professional Development Day November 8th! The teachers will be hard at work at the school November 8th.  A sign-up sheet will be emailed out shortly for those that would like to bring a breakfast food, lunch food, or snack to the teachers that day.

A reminder that all volunteers need to have a clear/up to date background check on file with the school office.  Please reach out if you are unsure if yours is up to date and we can verify for you.  These need to be renewed every two years.  As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at


Kelli Magnia and Mashell Pastorino 

SIS Volunteer Coordinators

PTC Updates

November 5th PTC meeting flyer

Mark your calendars!!!!! The Columbia Theatre has released the movie list for this upcoming fundraiser.  30% of all sales go directly to the PTC. There is still time to buy your tickets.  If you no longer have your green order form you can send a note with $10 cash or a check made out to SIS PTC.

Columbia Theater times for PTC fundraiser

Blue bag bottle drop flyer

Looking for auction volunteers flyer


Community Notice Disclaimer:

Sauvie Island School offers community organizations the opportunity to post information that may be of interest to students and families.  Sauvie Island School does not endorse or recommend any of these organizations, services or products.  The responsibility is on families to evaluate the organization and its services and products.  Sauvie Island School will not be held responsible for any actions or inactions connected to these organizations.  

Flyer for rummage sale

flyer for rummage sale back

photo of Columbia Farms silo with pumpkins all around it

Columbia Farms U-pick invites you to their Pumpkin Picking on Wednesday, October 16th from 2:30-6:30pm. All of the proceeds from this event will be donated to Sauvie Island School. Get a pumpkin and support the school! Thank you to Columbia Farms for their support.

SafeOregon logo

SafeOregon and the Oregon State Police remind students, parents, school staff, and community members that everyone plays a role in school safety. SafeOregon is a school safety tip line to report potential threats against students and schools confidentially or anonymously. 

SafeOregon asks that if you see or hear something concerning to let someone know. Tips may be submitted 24 hours per day, 7 days per week: 

All tips are immediately received by a tip line technician and are forwarded to designated school personnel or law enforcement to respond to reported incidents. 

SafeOregon receives tips focused on school safety, including:

  • Safety threats

  • Violence or threats of violence 

  • Fights

  • Drugs, alcohol, or weapons on campus

  • Bullying, harassment, or intimidation 

  • Cyberbullying 

  • Friends or peers discussing self-harm or suicide

Call 911 for situations requiring an immediate emergency response. It is a violation of Oregon law to make false reports to SafeOregon. For more information about SafeOregon, visit our website at

Odds and Ends

  • Busses, Arrivals and Departures: Please arrive at the bus hub by 7:45am. Halls open at 8:20, school begins at 8:25. Please do not leave students in the parking lot unattended!

  • School dismissal is at 3pm, 2pm on Wednesdays. Any changes to your child's pick-up routine must be made with Ann at the front dest at least one hour prior to dismissal.

  • Please check Lost & Found for any missing treasures! It's only the 2nd week of school, but lost belongings are already piling up!

    You can access old newsletters by going to Documents-->About Us-->SIS newsletter in your SIS App

    or by clicking here in your browser or phone.

Grange Hall Rentals

The Sauvie Island Grange is available to all as a rental space for private parties, meetings and gatherings. You can rent the building by the hour or half-day. The hall space can be rented separately from the kitchen or together based on need. Grange members thoroughly sanitize the hall and kitchen before scheduled use. Please visit this link for more specifics on rentals or contact Katherine Topaz at 503-708-0008. 

Be in the Know!

  • Download the new Sauvie Island app today! Visit the iOS App Store or Android Play and enable notifications.

  • Visit Facebook and Instagram for important updates and photos of activities! Visit our new website to see what's going on!